Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Sketching On The Serenade Of The Seas; Home Free Vocal Band

      One great thing about a cruise is the entertainment, every night there is a special show in the theater to enjoy.  We watched an a cappella group called Home Free, made up of five guys creating beautiful music with no instruments, just using their mouths.  It was such a great concert, they were very good and fun to watch!  I was amazed to see the "drummer" do Wipe Out with his mouth!  Another amazing thing is the smallest guy had the deepest voice and the biggest guy had the highest voice.
     When not performing, they were out and about the cruise ship with all of us and one time I found two
at the Schooner Bar.  I sat myself down in one of the nice comfortable chairs and pulled out the pad and pencils.  I have to say it was not easy to sketch these two.  They were sitting on bar chairs facing me, but there were these girls standing in front, wanting to talk to them. One in particular was quite tall and slender and she kept blocking me!  When sketching the top guy, he kept turning his head to the side, so I decided to try to do a profile, if that was the best I could do.
     Finally, I was satisfied with the first guy, so I decided to hurry up and sketch the second one before they decided to get up and leave. He didn't move much, but I had the same problem with the girls!   Then, finally, the space was wide open, I'm sketching away, then a waiter was walking by and for some reason, he just stopped, blocking my view.  I finally just stood up and moved, saying to my husband, "sometimes you just have to get up!"  I was pleased with these sketches.  And my question to you is, did I show them?  Absolutely not, my secret, until now!!
I am including their web page so you can check them out and listen to their music.  Yes, there's more!!
Home Free Vocal Band Website

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