Friday, September 23, 2011

A Dedication: Don's Painting

     Sept 13 was the second anniversary of my brother's death, his name was Don.  Just as I did last year, I traveled to Chicago to be with my sister-in-law and nephew at this time.  Somehow, it is the right thing to do and we help each other get through a hard time.  When I visited him a couple of years ago in the window of time of wellness, he proudly showed me his art work, something I did not realize that he did.  I always knew he was very creative in a different way, but paintings I did not know about.
     This is Don's painting that he proudly showed me and which I was given last year by my sister-in-law, how thrilled I was to receive this!  I can remember how he explained his technique of placing random items on the canvas, which he stretched over a piece of wood, and then spray painted it.  He would move pieces, or introduce other objects, and then spray with other colors, He kept up this layering until he was satisfied with his work.  I remember when he showed me this piece and I thought it was wonderful! 
     There is life, depth and movement in this piece.  I love the color choices and they are pleasing to my eye.  I believe this picture tells a story of my brother, since he tinkered with radios and cars and had all sorts of parts and pieces.  I only wish I could talk with him again to find out more about the pieces he used and where they came from and what they meant to him.  I guess I am looking at this in retrospect sadly.  I guess my lesson is to be sure to have complete convesations with people, ask questions and get all information at the time of the converstation, since you never truly know if you will have another chance to ask.  I am proud of him for all that he did with creativity and especially this painting.  Thanks, Don, for sharing something very special with me.

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