Sunday, March 13, 2011

Fixing To Do Something

     Back a long time ago, I was fortunate to go on a cross country camping trip then settled to live for one year in Charlotte, NC.  I truly loved to hear the different phrases used in the different parts of the country, and one in particular is in the South, people were always "fixing" to do something.  Up in the North, we don't fix to do anything, we just do it, or we are getting ready, or preparing. Fixing is what you do when something is broken.  But when I heard it continuously as part of the speech, it sounded so endearing, that I still remember it and how nice it sounded.
     Part of my art process is getting everything ready, putting out my supplies, setting things up, standing back and evaluating what I have done, thinking about what I still have to do.  It is a necessary part in my mind of getting things ready, but I have heard myself speak in my head, "I'm fixing to paint!", or, "I'm fixing to draw!" and it makes me feel happy, because fixing to do something is a wonderful thought to me, rather than just saying, I'm getting my stuff out, or I'm setting up this easel.  There is a real intention in this phrase, and there is a real outcome expected, rather than just doing a task, or a chore.
     I am still working on this beautiful room that has my art supplies.  Things became so jumbled up, as I would bring things in, drop them and close the door.  I could do my art on the dining room table, or set an easel in an open space there.  Well, this weekend I'm fixing on getting my room in good working order.  I have discovered I have enough supplies and books.  I have 3 drawing books, an oil painting and a water color technique book, plus way more!.  I found a book about the life of Leonardo DiVinci, I have several calligraphy books, I found my container of various size nibs.  I have frequented a wonderful used book store in West Brookfield called The Book Bear and I have found the most wonderful art books there!  I have so much art paper!!
     In conclusion, I'm fixing to do some art!!  I found the picture of me sitting with Forrest Moses, a son of Grandma Moses, something else important in my life I want to blog about.  I'm fixing to blog more!

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